How to summon all bosses in Terraria (2025)

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There ae multiple bosses for you to battle against in Terraria. Each of these bosses has a unique summon requirement that you will need to meet if you plan to take them on and you will if you plan to work through the entire game. You can choose to take them on alone or with a group of friends. This guide will cover how to summon every boss in Terraria.

Summoning all bosses in Terraria

There are three types of bosses you can find in Terraria. Pre-hardmode, hardmode, and event bosses.

All Pre-hard mode bosses

Brain of Cthulhu

You need to use Worm Food or break three Shadow Orbs. You can create Worm Food by finding 30 Vile Powder and 15 Rotten Chunks and bring them to a Demon or Crimson Altar. After crafting it, you must proceed to the Corruption portion of the game and consume it. Otherwise, it will have no effect and will not summon the boss. Alternatively, you can find the three Shadow Orbs by visiting the Chasm levels of the Corruption.

Eater of Worlds

You need to use Worm Food or break three Shadow Orbs. You can create Worm Food by finding 30 Vile Powder and 15 Rotten Chunks and bring them to a Demon or Crimson Altar. After crafting it, you must proceed to the Corruption portion of the game and consume it. Otherwise, it will have no effect and will not summon the boss. Alternatively, you can find the three Shadow Orbs by visiting the Chasm levels of the Corruption.

Eye of Cthulhu

The only way to summon the Eye of Cthulhu is to use the Suspicious Looking Eye. You need six lenses to craft the item, and you must make it at a Demon or Crismon Alter. Alternatively, you can loot the item by looking inside gold and frozen chests in the Cavern and Dungeon or ivy chests in the Jungle. Once you have the eye, you must use it at night to summon the Eye of Cthulhu.

King of Slime

You can only summon the King of Slime by using the Slime Crown. The only way to create is by using 20 Gel with a Gold Crown or a Platinum Crown and then making it at a Demon or Crimson Altar. After you have the item, you can use it anytime to summon the monster.

Queen Bee

There are two methods to summoning Queen Bee. The first is creating the Abbemination and using it in the Jungle biome. To craft the item, you need to have a bottled jar of honey, five hives, five honey blocks, and a stinger on you. After that, you can prepare the item by item. Alternatively, you can break the Queen Bee’s Larva, which you can find inside a Bee Hive in the Jungle biome.


Skeletron is how you gain access to all Dungeons in the game, so it’s essential. You can summon it by speaking to the Old Man NPC at night. Talking to him at this hour activates a curse and summons the boss to your location. After you defeat Skeletron once, you can summon it again by killing the Clothier, an NPC who sells vanity items to you, by using the Clothier Voodoo Doll, and it is nighttime.

Wall of Flesh

You can only summon the Wall of Flesh by throwing a Voodoo Doll of the Guide, the first NPC near you at the start of the game, into lava. The Guide must be alive at the time when you throw it into the flaming pit. To find the Guide Voodoo Doll, you can take out Voodoo Demons in The Underworld.

All Hardcore Bosses

Duke Fishron

To summon Duke Fishron, you must find a Truffle Worm in the Glowing Mushroom biome. Then, you must only capture it using a bug net. Once you have it, and you caught it using that particular net, use it as bait on your fishing pole in the Ocean biome.

Empress of Light

You need to find a Prismatic Lacewing to summon the Empress of Light. Before this creature spawns, you need to defeat Plantera. After that, you can find a prismatic Lacewing in the Surface Hallow starting from dusk until midnight, and you must capture it with a bug net. You then can release the creature at any time in any biome and kill it to summon the Empress.


The giant Golem is only summoned using a Lihzahrd Power Cell at the Lihzahrd Altar, which you can find in the Jungle biome. The power cells have a chance to drop from the lihzahrd and flying snake creatures found inside the temples, or you can find one inside of the lihzahrd chest. You must first have defeated Plantera before you can summon the Golem.

Lunatic Cultist

For the Lunatic Cultist to come out, you must first defeat the Golem and then find the four cultists standing at the Dungeon entrance to the Mysterious Tablet. The Lunatic Cultist will arrive after you kill these four cultists.

Moon Lord

There are two ways for you to summon the Moon Lord. The first method is to destroy all four of the Celestial Pillars that appear in the Lunar Event, which starts after you defeat the Lunatic Cultist. They appear in four different locations all over the map. The second method is by crafting a Celestial Sigil, which you can do when you have 20 solar fragments, 20 vortex fragments, 20 nebula fragments, and 20 stardust fragments. Once you have all the ingredients, you can find an Ancient Manipulator crafting station to make it. If you want to use the Celestial Sigil, the Lunar Events must not be active at the same time.


To summon Plantera, you must destroy Plantera’s Bulb, which you can find after you defeat The Destroyer, The Twins, and Skeletron Prime. After defeating these three bosses, you can find Plantera’s Bulbs in the Underground Jungle biome and see the message, “The jungle grows restless,” on screen.

Queen Slime

You need to find Gelatin Crystals to summon Queen Slime. These crystals are located in Pearlstone or Pink Ice Blocks in the Underground Hallow. You can use the Gelatin Crystal to summon the Queen whenever you want.

Skeletron prime

Skeletron Prime only appears after consuming a Mechanical Skull at night. It does not work during the day. You can only craft this item at a Mythril or Orichalcum anvil using 30 bone, five iron bars, three souls of light, and three souls of night.

The Destroyer

Much like Skeletron Prime, you can only summon The Destroyer by consuming a Mechanical Worm during its night. You have to craft this item at a Mythril or Orichalcum anvil using six rotten chunks, any iron bars, and six souls of night, or using six vertebra, five iron bars, and six souls of night.

The Twins

The Twins will only arrive in your game when you use the Mechanical Eye at night. Using three lenses, five iron bars, and six souls of light, you can craft this item at a Mythril or Orichalcum anvil.

Event bosses


Betsy appears during the final stage of the Old One’s Army event during a tier 3 event. To start the Old One’s Army event, you must place an Eternia Crystal on the Eternia Crystal Stand. You can buy an Eternia Crystal from the Tavernkeep for 25 silver coins before defeating the Mechanical Bosses (Skeletron Prime, The Destroyer, and the Twins), one gold coin after defeating the Mechanical Bosses, or four gold coins after defeating the Golem.

Dark Mage

The Dark Mage appears as the final boss of the Old One’s Army when battling it during the tier 1 event. As stated above, you need to use the Eternia Crystal to summon the Old One’s Army.


The Everscream appears during the Frost Moon event. To start the Frost Moon event, you must use the Naughty Present at night. You can craft the Naughty Present at a Mythril or Orichalcum anvil using 20 silk, five ectoplasm, and five souls of fright.

Flying Dutchman

The Flying Dutchman appears during the Pirate Invasion. You can start the Pirate Invasion by using the Pirate Map that has a chance to drop from enemies nearby the Ocean biome in hard mode. Alternatively, the Pirate Invasion has a chance to happen if no other events are happening, the Wall of Flesh has been defeated, at least one of the Altars has been destroyed, and the player has at least 200 maximum health.

Ice Queen

The Ice Queen is the final boss that appears during the Frost Moon event, which you can start by consuming the Naughty Present at night.

Martian Saucer

The Martian Saucer appears during the Martian Madness event. To start the Martian Madness, you must have defeated the Golem by finding a Martian Probe. These probes can occur almost anywhere on the map after beating the Golem, and if they escape, the event starts.

Mourning Wood

The Mourning Wood is a mini-boss you can battle during the Pumpkin Moon event. You can start the Pumpkin Moon event after defeating Plantera and using the Pumpkin Moon Medallion at night. You need 30 pumpkins, five ectoplasm, and 10 hallowed bars to craft it and to make it at a Mythril or Orichalcum anvil.


The Ogre is one of the bosses you can encounter during the Old One’s Army tier 2 event.


The Pumpking will appear as the second or final boss during the Pumpkin Moon event.


Santa-NK1 is a mini-boss that you can fight during the Frost Moon event using the Naughty Present at night.

Stardust, Solar, Vortex, and Nebula pillar

The Stardust, Solar, Vortex, and Nebula pillars appear on the map after defeating the Lunatic Cultist during the Lunar Events. You can find each pillar on different parts of the map with unique planets in the background.

About the author

How to summon all bosses in Terraria (1)

Zack Palm

Zack Palm is the Senior Writer of Gamepur and has spent over five years covering video games, and earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Oregon State University. He spends his free time biking, running tabletop campaigns, and listening to heavy metal. His primary game beats are Pokémon Go, Destiny 2, Final Fantasy XIV, and any newly released title, and he finds it difficult to pull away from any Star Wars game.

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How to summon all bosses in Terraria (2025)


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